Friday, December 7, 2012

More Socks and an actual finish on a Friday

They are knit with Lion Brand Wool-Ease in Cranberry with #3 needles and I used a Ripple Stitch I found in Barbara Walker's Second Treasury which I charted and then used upside down.  It had a multiple of 8 so it worked for stitch count of 48.  Charting from the original directions was a little tricky, but I'm glad I did it.  It is so much easier to knit from a chart.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Knits for Allie

Allie's knitting basket.  I found a pattern for a laundry basket and knit it smaller, made yarn balls from extra yarn and stuck sewing needles in for knitting needles.

Here is the first Mini-Stocking I knit.  It turned out too long-I should have knit just five stripes-but it is okay for the dolls and I enjoyed knitting it.  Socks aren't so intimidating anymore, so on to my next one.  And it is so nice to knit just one-no need to knit a pair of these-each ONE can be different.

And here it is!  I spent quite a bit of time knitting this mini stocking for a doll to hang.  I had a better idea of the size I wanted and I knew I wanted to try stranding and a different heel technique. I knew this little project wouldn't take so long to finish and the dolls would have another stocking to hang.

First I tried the stranded knitting in the round and had to rip that as it got too tight-it always gets too tight even though I feel like I am knitting very loosely.

So, after doing nothing for about a day, I decided to try it flat then join for the heel and sock finish.  That worked very well and purling two strands was not so bad.  I did feel like a klutz part of the time but I had charted the design and colored it so it was not to hard to follow; it was just a matter of managing the yarns.  Not satisfied yet with this test of techniques, I tried a short row heel.  I accomplished it but was not totally satisfied with the way the stitches looked.  I will have to try again.  I am so happy I did this little project as it didn't take that long and I learned so much.   Allie gave this stocking to Kit to hang.

Here is Allie in her new sweater and hat both of which need design improvement and, hopefully, my next experience knitting with Fun Fur will have a more favorable outcome.

 See, she is holding her red and white stocking-all she needs is a mantle.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Some More Socks

I have knit more socks.  I saw the stitch pattern on Knitting on the Net and it is called Waffle Stitch. These socks fit beautifully and keep my feet so warm.  I surprised myself and knit them with #3 needles, beginning with 48 stitches.  The process is becoming easier all the time and laundering them requires no special attention.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Finally Finished

I never seem to be able to finish anything on a Friday so I can link to Finish It Up Fridays, so I will just have my own "Finally Finished" Posts.

Finally Finished #1

I finally finished my Afghan which I began in May.  I hesitated including it because it isn't blocked but included it anyway since it might never be blocked.  I wanted a more textured afghan and it is that but I am not entirely happy with it.  I suppose it will grow on my and it will certainly be useful as it is a good size.  I knit it with Plymouth Encore in Cream and it has remained basically nameless-I usually name my afghans.

Here is a closer look followed by a closeup-I have to get better at taking these camera phone pictures-of the border.

I had a bit of yarn left and crocheted around it in single crochet hoping it stabilize it a bit even though seed stitch is pretty stable in and of itself.  That didn't do much so I put a slip stitch close to the edge and that I was pleased with, so blocking may not be necessary.

Finally Finished #2
Bandana Cowl #4

This one is for me to wear this winter.  It turned out as expected and I hope washing and drying will soften it up a bit.

I could relax and knit the short rows on this one without any trouble-that was great.  I will be shopping for a soft, bright bulky wool yarn for my next one.

Finally Finished #3

Socks!  Years ago I never could make sense of why knitters knit socks, but about three years ago I began to be intrigued because I saw pictures of so many beautiful hand knit socks.  So, I took the plunge, bought some light colored sport yarn so I could see what I was doing and I began.  It all went well and I have a pair of socks.  Not knowing if I would be successful, I chose an acrylic and as a result I will do some sliding if I go sock-footed in the house.  The next pair will have some wool in them.   Here's my first one.  You can't tell it is over another sock.
The second one was knit on smaller needles and the third one is being knit on even smaller needles-and I knit TIGHTLY!

Here is a closeup of the heel and gusset work which is not difficult at all.

 And a picture of the pair.  Hard to tell they are not quite the same size.    Anyway,  I found that I like knitting socks.  One plain pair like this can be knit in a couple of evenings, if I don't get on the computer too much or pick up a book to read.

Needless to say, I am having a hard time not ordering $50.00 worth of beautiful heathers and bold solids for future pairs.  Will hold off for awhile-I can find yarn here to knit.

Finally Finished #4
Another dishcloth!  I saw this pattern on the internet and wanted to make it thinking I might use the stitch later then in a different project.  I had so much trouble reading where I was I charted and color-coded it.  That helped some, but I needed strong self-encouragement to finish this.  I will file it away and try and remember that I liked looking at it but not knitting it.

It is called Winter Sunbeams and has a Multiple of 10 +2 over 16 rows.

Stay tuned for quilting finishes and my really big project this month.

Friday, August 24, 2012

One Project Completed

Yes, one completed!  My personal Finish-It-Up Friday goal achieved.  It was hard.  I dislike sewing in a mess with so many other things that need doing:  2 curtain rods/curtains rehung, previous valances taken apart for disposal or free cycling, new furnace vent screwed in, glass shelves for china cabinet washed and boxes unpacked.  But I sewed.  For me, this is a big deal especially at the end of this horrible hot, dirty, messed up summer.  I got something done, off my sewing table, all sewed up and ready to be sent off.  I'm happy.  At times I considered giving it all up and selling my machines.  I may do that someday, but for now I am going to make a concerted effort to finish what I have here to do.

Here is a 12" wallhanging I will send to my daughter for her quilt stand.  She can put it up in May.  I am pleased with the way it turned out, but it took so much time totally.  I embroidered the squares last May I think.   I would like one of my own.

Design from Embroidery Library
Sunbonnet Sue
I changed the colors and order of the threads and am glad I took the time to do that.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Time to get blogging again!

I haven't felt like blogging about the extreme lack of accomplishment I have had this summer, but will take a small stab at it.  I can't work in a mess and it has been so messy and disorienting to me, besides the awfully hot weather that I just get depressed.  I am looking forward to August 11 when Beth and Miss M. are on vacation and also when school starts a couple of weeks later. My Sunshine quilt is in the "needs a lot of clean space for basting" and that is at a premium right now.  As I said, I can't work in a mess.

I have sewn just a bit after weeks of my sewing area being torn up.  And this doesn't show the worst of it.

I managed to clean up some and stitch, on my Rose, 13 additional 16 scrappy squares blocks to go with my new design for the scrappy 16 patch quilt; designed when I could get to my computer.  I changed it from an on-point design with 3.75 inch sashing and 5 embroidered squares to a straight set with 2 inch sashing and a center embroidered square.  I had to redesign it because the embroidery design I spent $12.00 for was not satisfactory.  I loved it, but when I looked at it in my software, it was skimpy in so many spots with the background showing through.  I spent time increasing the density, but it didn't help.  I usually use designs from Embroidery Library and have to reduce the density on those;  this one wasn't--hence the high price and now a waste of money.  I could have bought five fq's for my stash or more colors of embroidery thread.  So I did spend a lot of time on the computer when I could get to it.  I am glad I did the redesign; the amount of sashing was giving me second thoughts and I would have had to sew squares together for the setting triangles anyway.

I couldn't sew out the embroidery design, it's too big for the Rose, since my Designer 1 was in for repair and normal maintenance and was kept longer than necessary because they had lost the paperwork.  I picked it up today--they didn't lose the bill though, too bad.  I would like to get it set up tomorrow and sew some blocks, but I am still looking for additional fabric.

JoAnn's is close to the sewing machine place, so I stopped there and got the batting for my Sunshine quilt and white Kona for a baby quilt all on sale so I was glad I went even when the car thermometer registered 102 degrees.  Miss M. was at gymnastics and I used that 3.5 hour block of time.

I am looking forward to getting everything back in place and some suitable fabric found.  I will shop in Lisle on Friday when Miss M. has gymnastics again.  Oh, good news, a LQS is actually moving closer to me this week.  I hope to take in some of their Lunch time Lessons on Thursdays-just an hour, ten bucks and lunch included.

Tomorrow is my stay at home day, no gymnastics or piano lessons, but there is YARD WORK.  The lawn needs mowing, the crab grass needs pulling, the daisies and the cone flowers need to be cut down.  The heat and drought so far this summer has been hard on the plants.  No Cosmos and hardly any Petunias.  No wonder I am just depressed.  I want COLD WEATHER, knitting and two quilts finished and off my plate.  At least I have my sewing machine back.

Friday, May 18, 2012

May Small Projects Continued

From my list:

Get wood chips from the Village for the back, bench area and path  2x
Buy and plant Annuals:
Moss Rose
Their Dianthus and Cosmos looked sick so I will have to make another trip.  I hope to begin planting these tomorrow.

Meanwhile, here are some new pictures.

I love it when the Weigela is blooming!  There are three and they bloom in sequence because of the sunlight available to them.  I would like to see them bloom longer.  A hard rainstorm blanketed the ground with petals shortly after I took the picture.
I am so glad this "Nellie Moser" Clematis survived the fence installation and likes this new spot.  The blooms last quite long and I hope for more growth next year.
These white Iris were rescued from a too damp spot and there was only one bloom last year.  I guess they are happy here.

When the white Iris are finished, the purple Japanese Iris begin to bloom.  I now have five clumps from the first clump I bought six years ago.  I hope to do the same with the white Japanese Iris I have.  The first time I tried to divide that clump I was unsuccessful, but the following year I did divide it and intend to divide it again this year if I can.  They bloom after the purple ones.

Notice the Dianthus.  I just love the way they come back, but I also plant more each year since they are biennials.

Well, that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed the show.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Small Projects

I never did post anything on "Finish it up Friday", so I thought I could play along with Crazy Mom Quilts and do a small project list for May.  Here it is two days past the middle of May and I haven't put up my list yet.  But, I have been thinking about it and hoping that I will be able to cross out completed projects. You will notice that they don't involve much sewing, but it is MAY! Yard work calls or "rears its ugly head". Anyway, here goes:

Read a book
Shop online for quilt backing
Blow the maple seeds off the driveway, once, twice, thrice
Dig up the fountain
Fill in the hole with lots of dirt
Weed out lots of purple Lamium I don't intend to get it all, but this stuff is invasive--I am keeping the pink ones.
Transplant one Canterbury Tales DayLily
Transplant one Bleeding Heart
Edge the back lawn with my new edger This took three separate attacks over two weeks as it got too wet to use it.
Mow the back lawn twice I have to mow it twice to get all the grass clumps from the wheels chopped up.
Mow the front lawn twice Same reason as above and you will see it repeated for each week in May.
Shop online for quilt backing
Dig out the Russian Sage and get it out of the window well
Plant three Hosta
Spray with Rabbit Repellent  so it has a chance of surviving.  Rabbits are not a problem in the back yard because the dogs are out there a lot.
Move the bird bath  Miss M. helped as it was too heavy for me to do it alone. The cardinals came and took a bath soon after I finished filling it--small reward for my effort. Two robins came a little later.
Edge the front driveway, right side This took over an hour as it hasn't been done in years AND two Advil.
Edge the left parkway side of the driveway This also took over an hour for this little strip. I may need a sharper edger...and a younger body.
Relocate and raise the fountain being sure to get it level I like it, but do WONDER if I should have just kept it where it was and I have to look for the timer--may be another small project there.
Mow the back lawn twice
Finish edging it  
Mow the front lawn twice
Plant six Betsey Boo dwarf iris
Transplant three purple ones
Plant a peony and it better be PINK like its picture. (This is the third one and I don't WONDER why the others got dug up soon after blooming)
Plant three Coneflowers Of course that involved compost, more dirt and all that good stuff, also for--
Plant three Yarrow I just planted three because I may not like them.  I planted some white ones three years ago, but they vanished.
Weed the Russian Sage that is persisting on growing Will probably have to use RoundUp next week.
Buy a black obelisk and, singlehandedly, get the Sweet Peas in it    YES!
Buy a boxwood to replace the one that died and dig it in
Mow the back lawn twice
Mow the front lawn twice
Transplant the Magnus Coneflower
Transplant one Canterbury Tales Day Lily
Transplant one Canterbury Tales Day Lily
Transplant/divide white Japanese Iris clump when done blooming
Clean out the dry creek and fill with more pebbles
Get wood chips from the Village for the back, bench area and path  Repeat as many times as necessary.
Buy and plant Annuals:
Moss Rose
Read another book, just to sit out on the patio and enjoy the view
Finish the yellow baby cardi
Hopefully, all completed by Memorial Day-then I get to trim bushes as well as weed and mow, but that's another small project list.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Two steps forward and one step back, at least I hope it was just one step. I have been working on embroidery and not blogging at all. I spent a day organizing the embroidery files, redoing some and just seeing what I have. I am not finished with that as there are many that need English titles and not just letters and numbers. I am thinking it will take two more days to rename and delete duplicates. But I have been embroidering! Since I failed at a Fall Wallhanging, I decided to try a smaller Spring one. Do I hear a "You go, girl!" for my determination? I don't WONDER why I do this; I know I am tired of knitting. Anyway, this is what I have so far.
I love watching my ferns "come to life" in the Spring! I am still looking for a better design to stitch, however.
Very happy with the way this turned out. My white crab tree did not bloom at all this year, so I needed this reminder of better days.
Wish I could just sit and watch the garden do its thing, sigh...
If I get on my knees to dig I can hardly get back up again...
I stitched these next two designs holding my breath-too many stitches I thought. But we made it through...
Not so with the last one though. I took a picture, but the problem didn't show. There was a 1/4" hill of thread in the back of this design. Since this was one of three in my plan, I have to redo it so it actually stitches and so that it looks like it belongs with the other two. I am not experienced enough to just whip this change out. I did reduce the density on just the colors I think stitch too heavy, this software is really easy to use, and will stitch it out again tomorrow.
I did get some strip sets made for sashing. This should help me get to the next step when the embroidery is finished. And while I was trying new things in the new software I merged some simple designs and made a new one. I am anxious to see how that will stitch out. We've had days of cloudy, cold and rainy weather here, so that is why some of this has gotten accomplished.
I even took a picture of my first seam in weeks on my Sunshine Quilt; it was for sashing. All the blocks are sewn now, even the applique ones. They were the real hangup. Three more row joining seams and then the borders. I am not tired of sewing this quilt, but sometimes progress goes very slowly as there are decisions to be made at every juncture. Miss M. has strep throat and missed half a day of school yesterday and all of today. She did some homework, we made a quick puzzle (only 100 pieces), she sewed a couple of patches together on the D1 using the stop/start button since she can't reach the pedal and I taught her the song, "Found a Peanut". The afternoon was up for grabs after that as her creativity kicked in and silly songs abounded.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Wonderful Video, Blooming Flowers

I saw this on my knitting forum and want to share it, but I don't know how to do links so you'll have to copy and paste. Well worth the effort if you like flowers!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lawn again!

I have now mowed the lawn twice this year--NO, make that four times. The grass is so thick and tall that I have to mow it twice to get it mowed properly. So, I mowed it twice today and I think I will try and do it again next week on Tuesday if it doesn't rain. I want to see if it will be easier and I have to try and lift the height. The neighbor on the south was kind enough to do my little side portion.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Garden

My Jane Magnolia. I am so happy this is growing and hope it grows 2-3 feet this year. I love magnolias and have one in the front yard also.

These Virginia Bluebells will multiply on their own and fill in a lot of empty spaces. Miss M. and I see woods filled with these on the way to school and back. I love them and the best thing about them is they totally disappear on their own. You don't have to deal with green foliage like you have to with tulips and daffodils.

Bleeding Hearts and ferns
View through the arch
View through the Prairie Fire crab

Sunday, April 1, 2012

New Post! April Fool!!

I have some things ready, but they will have to wait. I have other things I need to do.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Another Raglan Sweater or sort of

I used some leftover yarn to change the pattern to my satisfaction and to try two yarns with twisting joins and all that good stuff. It actually got long enough for me to call it a Child's Cropped Cardigan and I will put it in my stack of charity knitting. I can do better with connecting the border with the body though. It made me get out my stranded knitting and do a little review.

I included this picture to show how much yarn I had left. See the needle holding yarn? That's it...