Saturday, November 30, 2013

AG Autumn Outfits

Miss M. made a collage of the dolls Autumn outfits, so I will post it here.  She did it very fast otherwise she might have selected a different one for the upper right.

There is one more that I did finish by my self-imposed deadline of the end of November.  I couldn’t think of another duplicate stitch design to copy or create so I thought I would just make a pullover sweater.  They are so nice to pull on when the weather gets chilly.  But then I needed to make it not boring to knit, so I swatched some slipstitch patterns in yarns I didn’t like and didn’t think I needed for a different project.

You can see my swatch in the lower part of this picture.  As it turned out I loved these yarns together and as soon as I chose my stitch pattern, I started knitting.

Samantha wearing the hat
I loved how the little sweater turned out and made a hat which I was also very happy with.  The only problem was I didn’t think it looked like an autumn outfit anymore.   It might end up with my winter ski resort outfits, who knows...


 Now I am planning more “ski resort” outfits to knit, though I might sew fleece pants rather than knit them.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Maddie’s Autumn Sweater

Here is Maddie ready to do some kicking through the leaves.  Here outfit has been knitted for some time, except for the hat.  I finally found a beanie pattern for preemies that gave me a good stitch number to begin.  I was going to knit more stripes but liked the way it looked at this point.
See her boots with coordinating socks?  Same pattern as Allie’s.
I knit ribbing on the sweater and the bottom of the capri’s.  I really like Seed Stitch better.

 I could have searched for a better leaf and branch design, but for some odd reason, I really liked this one.  Miss M. didn’t think too much of it but since she didn’t want to design one of her own, this one was used.

Allie’s Ready for Apple Picking

 Allie’s Apple Sweater has been completed for months.  I used DK yarn with Parchment as the Main Color and Meadow Green for the Contrast Color.  I knit with #4 needles and followed my Sweater Wizard pattern.  I was very happy with the way it turned out, but the more I looked at it the more I didn’t like the position of the apple.  This week I decided it had to be moved and redid the duplicate stitch.  I like it much better.
How does she look in her beret?  Too stylish to go apple picking?  Let’s pretend she’s visiting from France.  I found the free pattern on Ravelry.
She has boots to coordinate with her hat and sweater.  They were so easy to knit.  I found a pattern for baby booties that used worsted yarn and with my DK yarn and smaller #4 needle I could follow it exactly.  Since I spent most of last winter learning to knit socks, the knitting was a breeze.  So happy to have something for her feet that doesn’t cost $$$.

Here’s another photo.  I borrowed my neighbor’s tree.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Kit in Autumn

I’m back!  I have been busy knitting doll clothes, but I have not been busy taking pictures.  I am going to try and change that as I think some of them are turning out cute.
I knit summer shorts and skirts, Fourth of July shorts, skirts and tops and now I’m working on Autumn outfits for the girls.  I have lost steam and maybe posting here will perk up my interest and production.
Here is Kit in a poncho with some Fair Isle and
a matching pair of capri’s.

Closer view of the Fair Isle and her matching crocheted headband.
Notice also her boots for walking in the leaves.