Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Designer 1 cannot do FMQ

A whole day was basically wasted today trying to do free motion quilting with the Designer 1.
Here is what I was working on, the Nine Patch, Four Patch Quilt.

The tension was just never right and I didn't notice.  There I was sewing right along thinking it was going great only to turn it over and be horrified.  The stitches weren't locking at all and I couldn't tell that from the front.  Eventually it started making thread nests and I had to stop-that's when I saw it hadn't been stitching right from the beginning.  And yes, I did do a test sandwich that looked fine-what happened?   So I started to adjust and test, adjust and test.  I never did get satisfactory stitches and now I get to remove all the stitching I did on that quilt.  I hate to use the word, RIP!!!!!

I have 5 more days to decide if I want to keep it or not.  Tomorrow, I will try again after researching a bit on the Internet.  First, a new bobbin, carefully wound following the directions I saw on the Web and not in the Manual;  then another new needle, just to be sure;  then an attempt to clean between the tension disks;  then an adjustment to the bobbin screw; then straight stitch sewing and if that works, back to fmq.  If it doesn't work right, I will begin to pack it up to return it.  I haven't had it that long, but I will miss it.  There are many features I like.

General housekeeping angst with no man around.  Today, Beth and I filled the sump pump battery backup with distilled water!  A first for us and Beth actually did quite well.  She is slowly taking more responsibility in the upkeep department.

Another bad showing by Serena today at the Open and I'm not referring to her tennis.  I am very happy Samantha Stosur won!  Sam has come back from what could have been a career ending illness, Lyme Disease.  Way to go, Sam!

Wish me luck tomorrow, please.

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