Wednesday, November 9, 2011

More UFO's completed

I started this blog with a list of unfinished projects I had around here and, of course, I WONDERed if I would ever get around to finishing them at this point in my life.  I was retired this year when the company I worked for was sold.  So sad-no party-no work-no extra money-but still lots to do right here.  That was in February and most of the UFO's are still here, but I am making progress.  I am making more projects to finish, but I have to in order to use yarn and fabric.  Is this win-win or lose-lose.  Anyone know for sure?

I finished these three BSJ's for charity.  Do young mothers put these on their babies?  The question of the day.  I would make more if I knew the answer was "yes".

The multicolored one helped me to not WONDER if I should start another one to use up yarn leftovers-all those ENDS to sew in.

I like the white one, yes, I do.  I would repeat making this one and it is one I would have enjoyed putting on one of my babies.  I will knit more of these-Oh, no, I forgot those UFO's again-change that to read: I hope to knit more of these to go with the baby quilts I make.  Sure wonder if they would sell so I could buy more yarn and fabric.

I also worked on the Green Sweater.  I stupidly-optimistically?-thought it would take a day to finish.  It will!!!  One day to redo twice and finish the neck edge.  One day to sew in half a sleeve and research how to do it correctly on YouTube.  One day to sew in one sleeve correctly.  Still not finished at this time.  Will need more one days.

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