Sunday, March 4, 2012

Peach Baby Raglan completed

This project is finished and could have been better!  I added the hat to use up the extra yarn, but, since my knitting is tighter than most, I think it turned out too small.  I should have added 10 more stitches, oh well.  Maybe this record will help me to remember.  Again, I WONDER why I do these things.  I know I knit tightly--compensate for that at the beginning every time.  Do you ever scold yourself? 
Some good things:  I wanted to knit a complete sweater without seaming, which I did; I used an acrylic yarn that worked okay and I would use again;  I could and would knit another for around $5.00, but would use a larger set of needles;  and I had a break from the afghan knitting.

They will go in my completed stash to be given away.

This is what I have been watching while I knit.  Someone on "Knitting Paradise" supplied the link and it is very enjoyable to watch.  

I am anxious for next month and seeing more activity with hatched eaglets.

Now to get back to quilting... I believe I have finally decided against pieced center blocks and for appliqued blocks.  It might take me a week to make a decision and I do WONDER why I let a project that is going well just sit for a week, but when I'm struggling with a design/decision it's just better to wait until that fork in the road shows up and I am pretty sure it finally did. 

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