Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day, Mistake Candy

Another beautiful day in the neighborhood.  Miss M. had a day off from school and after getting up later than usual, breakfast, dog walk (she rode her bike), and piano practice (she flew through her new Finger Power exercise on arpeggios and we started with the first half of the first Hanon exercise with no objections), we decided to finally make some candy.

I've wanted to make some 'thermometer' candy with her for a while so she doesn't think everything comes from the store and the weather today was perfect-not humid or anything like that.  I pulled some cookbooks and we started.  What a disaster!  Yes, we got an edible result but one should never begin an unplanned candy making activity.  A definite recipe and the necessary ingredients help much in achieving a satisfactory result.  And no, we didn't start out to make fudge.  The first recipe we followed was awful and I rescued it by cooking it with other ingredients and guessing at amounts.  I even used a candy thermometer-but by then Miss M. had lost all interest.  Yes, it's  a WONDER it turned out at all.

We did some quilting:  she went for a row quilt and I managed a Grandmother's Flower Garden.  That was about the extent of our day.  I don't know what this toy is called, but it provides good finger exercise.

Another week or so and it will be time to put her away for the winter.  This fountain worked so well this year;  I only had to add water several times.  Of course, all the rain we had might have helped with that a bit.  I am considering moving her to another area of the yard next year, but that would involve much work and I won't do it without help from someone.

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