Friday, October 7, 2011

Grandparent's Day at ACS, Tulip Bulbs

Presence required again this year at Grandparent's Day.  I am sorry to say I don't enjoy these one bit.  The days have been really boring the past three years and I didn't hold out much hope for anything different this year.

I drove Miss M. to school, a little earlier than usual, came home and walked the dogs, and drove back to school.  Luckily there was plenty of parking and the mini cinnamon rolls and grapes were good.

In the classroom we had to listen to 16 children read their writeup of their interviews with their grandparents.  Some of them had four!  The teacher kept telling them to speak up, but I could hardly hear most of the reading.  Then we had a Smart Board question and sharing time.  This actually went well.  One grandfather, in answer to the question about how school was different back then compared to today, was in tears relating how his school in the Philippines was bombed during the war and classes had to be held in homes that were still standing.  That must have been a horrible memory to cause such an emotional response so many years later.

Finally we were let out of that hot classroom to go to Music and another hot classroom.  We are having Indian Summer this week.  The teacher had a nice lesson on Texture in Music, but after she mentioned it at the beginning, she never referred to it again, so, basically, the activities the kids were doing was never related to adding texture to music.  Hopefully, she does better in an actual class.

In both classrooms, Miss M. was very quiet and was never called on by either teacher.

I was "let go" around 11:30 and could go home and collapse-which I did.  I had to go back and get her of course.

My tulip bulb order has arrived and the box opened-that's all for today.

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